Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Update, random updates

My computer is currently reformatting so I'm using my old computer! :D

I bought Chinese painting pigment! But I've realized that I want rice paper (宣纸) to paint on them too.

This is probably going to be a random entry.

What did I really want to post? I had an idea hahaha

I was just reading about data structures in C programming. It was kinda fun!

I'm not ready for school man...  :( *fear* But at the same time I'm EXCITED!

I think I'm tired now. I slept late yesterday xD I was watching shows until 4am hahah

Good night people! (Or morning/afternoon depending on where you are)'

Oh!!! Bunny before I forget:
when I realize tomorrow is Monday
heh I think this image would be good to use again.

16/06/20 (hhehe it's 2 more minutes to the next day)

I forgot what I wanted to post about.


Back here again!

It's already 2020. Everything is so fast!

How is everyone doing?

I was going to write something but I forgot! SO HERE WE GO...

bunny gifs | Tumblr
Bunny pic!!!!

Stay safe everybody!!

Photo link: https://bunnieseverywhere-blog-blog.tumblr.com/post/31794893238/never-ending-digging


Friday, November 22, 2019

Recently I've been on YouTube and seeing so many amazing artists works! I feel really motivated.

I tried a Bob Ross painting with my sister and tried many painting techniques that I have not tried before. I feel that I've learnt a lot from going through the tutorial. YAY

I went around looking for more tutorials and subscribed to some channels that interested me.

Shibasaki watercolor:

Here is another picture of a rabbit! Have a good day!
Image credit: https://www.ntu.ac.uk/about-us/news/news-articles/2019/09/cute-rabbit-survey-uncovers-most-popular-bunny-face

The image credit website has a short article about rabbits. It's an interesting read~


Sunday, June 16, 2019

Thowback to that old post!!

"Sad words will remain sad and happy words will remain happy." - I wrote that sometime ago, 

"After reading my previous posts, I remembered how important it is to enjoy the little things and stay positive!

Sad words will remain sad and happy words will remain happy.

I'm not good at expressing myself, but it's okay, I will improve :D"


I didn't expect reading that post would make me feel more determined.

I realise that this might be the same for words that are spoken, even though they have no physical evidence that it has happened. But like everything, what's done cannot be undone and perhaps it's a good thing! We will continue to move forwards and look to the future!